
Author guidelines


Submission Guidelines

History and Theory regularly publishes forums that center on specific topics, concerns, or issues related to the theory and philosophy of history. Forums typically feature 4 to 6 contributions, each of which are between 4,000 and 6,000 words.

Authors who would like to propose a forum should send a single PDF document containing the following information to historyandtheory@wesleyan.edu:

  • A brief introduction to the forum’s topic, theoretical approaches, and stakes as well as an estimated timeline for publication.

  • A brief table of contents listing contributors’ names, essay titles, abstracts, and contact information.

Recent Forums

Here is a sampling of recent forums published in History and Theory:

Image: Double exposure of a ship's boat as it approaches the side of HMAT Orvieto at anchor in King George Sound, by Phillip Frederick Edward Schuler (1914), from Australian War Memorial.