One More Thing...


Through One More Thing..., History and Theory and its contributors cultivate further discussion of topics, concerns, and materials related to recently published articles.

One More Thing... contributors elaborate on a specific piece of evidence (for example, an image of a document or object that can be examined in detail in high resolution, an object presented from multiple angles, or a video) that is relevant to their article.

Contributors are selected and invited by the journal’s editors. Entries in the One More Thing... series will appear concurrently with the publication of the issue in which each contributor’s article appears.

To join in on the conversation about entries in One More Thing…, check out the History and Theory Discord server.

Read the Entries.

An Overview of Time Studies in the Theory of History after the 2000s

By Hélio Rebello Cardoso Jr.

February 2024

Poznań Congress Interviews

October 2023


By Lisa Regazzoni

July 2022

Image: Birds in flight, Barcelona, Spain (3 Sept. 2015), by Eder Pozo Pérez.