Author guidelines
Review Essays
We typically do not consider unsolicited review essays. If you would like to be considered as a potential review essay author, you may submit your CV to
Our reviews are essays rather than topical notices, and they are meant to be read for their own sake. They usually begin with a brief description of the reviewed book’s content before launching into a discussion of whatever particularly interests the reviewer.
Review essays are generally between 4,000 and 6,000 words, including title, notes, 200- to 300-word abstract, and 6 to 8 keywords
For questions about style, punctuation, and spelling not covered in the journal’s style guide, please consult a recent issue of History and Theory, the Chicago Manual of Style (17th ed.), and Merriam-Webster’s Dictionary. Please note: the journal does not maintain a CSL style for use with Zotero or any other similar service.
Questions about manuscript submissions, production workflow, and more may be sent to the journal’s editorial office (
Image: Double exposure: Day's mother in hat, over boy standing on wooden bridge at Little Good Harbor, by F. Holland Day (1900-1910), from The Louise Imogen Guiney Collection, Library of Congress, Prints and Photographs Division.